Chunk caching¶
- Most workflows using the VBT’s execution framework—such as data pulling, chunking, parameterization, splitting, and optimization—can now offload intermediate results to disk and reload them if the workflow crashes and restarts. You can confidently test billions of parameter combinations on cloud instances without worrying about losing your data!
Execute a basic range with random fallouts while caching successful attempts
>>> @vbt.parameterized(cache_chunks=True, chunk_len=1) # (1)!
... def basic_iterator(i):
... print("i:", i)
... rand_number = np.random.uniform()
... if rand_number < 0.2:
... print("failed ⛔")
... raise ValueError
... return i
>>> attempt = 0
>>> while True:
... attempt += 1
... print("attempt", attempt)
... try:
... basic_iterator(vbt.Param(np.arange(10)))
... print("completed 🎉")
... break
... except ValueError:
... pass
attempt 1
i: 0
i: 1
failed ⛔
attempt 2
i: 1
i: 2
i: 3
i: 4
failed ⛔
attempt 3
i: 4
i: 5
i: 6
i: 7
i: 8
i: 9
completed 🎉
- Cache each function call
- Most rolling indicators implemented with Pandas and NumPy require running over data more than once. For example, a simple sum of three arrays involves at least two passes over data. Moreover, if you want to calculate such an indicator iterativelly (i.e., bar by bar), you either need to pre-calculate it entirely and store in memory, or re-calculate each window, which may dramatically hit performance. Accumulators, on the other hand, keep an internal state that allows you to calculate an indicator value every time a new data point arrives, leading to the best performance possible.
Design a one-pass rolling z-score
>>> @njit
... def fastest_rolling_zscore_1d_nb(arr, window, minp=None, ddof=1):
... if minp is None:
... minp = window
... out = np.full(arr.shape, np.nan)
... cumsum = 0.0
... cumsum_sq = 0.0
... nancnt = 0
... for i in range(len(arr)):
... pre_window_value = arr[i - window] if i - window >= 0 else np.nan
... mean_in_state = vbt.nb.RollMeanAIS(
... i, arr[i], pre_window_value, cumsum, nancnt, window, minp
... )
... mean_out_state = vbt.nb.rolling_mean_acc_nb(mean_in_state)
... _, _, _, mean = mean_out_state
... std_in_state = vbt.nb.RollStdAIS(
... i, arr[i], pre_window_value, cumsum, cumsum_sq, nancnt, window, minp, ddof
... )
... std_out_state = vbt.nb.rolling_std_acc_nb(std_in_state)
... cumsum, cumsum_sq, nancnt, _, std = std_out_state
... out[i] = (arr[i] - mean) / std
... return out
>>> data = vbt.YFData.pull("BTC-USD")
>>> rolling_zscore = fastest_rolling_zscore_1d_nb(data.returns.values, 14)
>>> data.symbol_wrapper.wrap(rolling_zscore)
2014-09-17 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2014-09-18 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2014-09-19 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.582381
2023-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 -0.705441
2023-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 -0.217880
Freq: D, Name: BTC-USD, Length: 3062, dtype: float64
>>> (data.returns - data.returns.rolling(14).mean()) / data.returns.rolling(14).std()
2014-09-17 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2014-09-18 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2014-09-19 00:00:00+00:00 NaN
2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.582381
2023-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 -0.705441
2023-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 -0.217880
Freq: D, Name: Close, Length: 3062, dtype: float64
- An innovative new chunking mechanism that takes a specification of how arguments should be chunked, automatically splits array-like arguments, passes each chunk to the function for execution, and merges back the results. This way, you can split large arrays and run any function in a distributed manner! Additionally, VBT implements a central registry and provides the chunking specification for all arguments of most Numba-compiled functions, including the simulation functions. Chunking can be enabled by a single command. No more out-of-memory errors!
Backtest at most 100 parameter combinations at once
>>> @vbt.chunked(
... chunk_len=100,
... merge_func="concat", # (1)!
... execute_kwargs=dict( # (2)!
... clear_cache=True,
... collect_garbage=True
... )
... )
... def backtest(data, fast_windows, slow_windows): # (3)!
... fast_ma =, fast_windows, short_name="fast")
... slow_ma =, slow_windows, short_name="slow")
... entries = fast_ma.ma_crossed_above(slow_ma)
... exits = fast_ma.ma_crossed_below(slow_ma)
... pf = vbt.PF.from_signals(data.close, entries, exits)
... return pf.total_return
>>> param_product = vbt.combine_params( # (4)!
... dict(
... fast_window=vbt.Param(range(2, 100), condition="fast_window < slow_window"),
... slow_window=vbt.Param(range(2, 100)),
... ),
... build_index=False
... )
>>> backtest(
... vbt.YFData.pull(["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"]), # (5)!
... vbt.Chunked(param_product["fast_window"]), # (6)!
... vbt.Chunked(param_product["slow_window"])
... )
- Concatenate the Series returned by each chunk into one Series
- Show a progress bar, but also clear cache and collect garbage after processing each chunk
- Function that takes a data instance but also two parameter arrays: fast and slow window lengths. Both arrays will have the same number of values; for example, the first combination corresponds to the first value in
and the first value inslow_windows
. - Generate conditional parameter combinations
- Don't split data into chunks
- Split both parameter arrays into chunks
fast_window slow_window symbol
2 3 BTC-USD 193.124482
ETH-USD 12.247315
4 BTC-USD 159.600953
ETH-USD 15.825041
5 BTC-USD 124.703676
97 98 ETH-USD 3.947346
99 BTC-USD 25.551881
ETH-USD 3.442949
98 99 BTC-USD 27.943574
ETH-USD 3.540720
Name: total_return, Length: 9506, dtype: float64
Parallel Numba¶
- Most Numba-compiled functions were rewritten to process columns in parallel using automatic parallelization with
, which can be enabled by a single command. Best suited for lightweight functions applied on wide arrays.
Benchmark the rolling mean without and with parallelization
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(size=(1000, 1000)))
>>> %timeit df.rolling(10).mean() # (1)!
45.6 ms ± 138 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
>>> %timeit df.vbt.rolling_mean(10) # (2)!
5.33 ms ± 302 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit df.vbt.rolling_mean(10, jitted=dict(parallel=True)) # (3)!
1.82 ms ± 5.21 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
- Using Pandas
- Using Numba without parallelization
- Using Numba with parallelization
- Integration of ThreadPoolExecutor from
, ThreadPool frompathos
, and Dask backend for running multiple chunks across multiple threads. Best suited for accelerating heavyweight functions that release GIL, such as Numba and C functions. Multithreading + Chunking + Numba =
Benchmark 1000 random portfolios without and with multithreading
>>> data = vbt.YFData.pull(["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"])
>>> %timeit vbt.PF.from_random_signals(data.close, n=[100] * 1000)
613 ms ± 37.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit vbt.PF.from_random_signals(data.close, n=[100] * 1000, chunked="threadpool")
294 ms ± 8.91 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
- Integration of ProcessPoolExecutor from
, ProcessPool and ParallelPool frompathos
, WorkerPool frommpire
, and Ray backend for running multiple chunks across multiple processes. Best suited for accelerating heavyweight functions that do not release GIL, such as regular Python functions, and accept leightweight arguments that are easy to serialize. Ever wanted to test billions of hyperparameter combinations in a matter of minutes? This is now possible by scaling functions and entire applications up in the cloud using Ray clusters
Benchmark running a slow function on each column without and with multiprocessing
>>> @vbt.chunked(
... size=vbt.ArraySizer(arg_query="items", axis=1),
... arg_take_spec=dict(
... items=vbt.ArraySelector(axis=1)
... ),
... merge_func=np.column_stack
... )
... def bubble_sort(items):
... items = items.copy()
... for i in range(len(items)):
... for j in range(len(items) - 1 - i):
... if items[j] > items[j + 1]:
... items[j], items[j + 1] = items[j + 1], items[j]
... return items
>>> items = np.random.uniform(size=(1000, 3))
>>> %timeit bubble_sort(items)
456 ms ± 1.36 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit bubble_sort(items, _execute_kwargs=dict(engine="pathos"))
165 ms ± 1.51 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
- Jitting means just-in-time compiling. In the VBT universe though, jitting simply means accelerating. Although Numba remains the primary jitter, VBT now enables implementation of custom jitter classes, such as that for vectorized NumPy and even JAX with GPU support. Every jitted function is registered globally, so you can switch between different implementations or even disable jitting entirely using a single command.
Run different implementations of the cumulative sum
>>> data = vbt.YFData.pull("BTC-USD", start="7 days ago")
>>> log_returns = np.log1p(data.close.pct_change())
>>> log_returns.vbt.cumsum() # (1)!
2023-01-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.000000
2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.024946
2023-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 0.014271
2023-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 0.013310
2023-02-04 00:00:00+00:00 0.008288
2023-02-05 00:00:00+00:00 -0.007967
2023-02-06 00:00:00+00:00 -0.010087
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
>>> log_returns.vbt.cumsum(jitted=False) # (2)!
2023-01-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.000000
2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.024946
2023-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 0.014271
2023-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 0.013310
2023-02-04 00:00:00+00:00 0.008288
2023-02-05 00:00:00+00:00 -0.007967
2023-02-06 00:00:00+00:00 -0.010087
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
>>> @vbt.register_jitted(task_id_or_func=vbt.nb.nancumsum_nb) # (3)!
... def nancumsum_np(arr):
... return np.nancumsum(arr, axis=0)
>>> log_returns.vbt.cumsum(jitted="np") # (4)!
2023-01-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.000000
2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 0.024946
2023-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 0.014271
2023-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 0.013310
2023-02-04 00:00:00+00:00 0.008288
2023-02-05 00:00:00+00:00 -0.007967
2023-02-06 00:00:00+00:00 -0.010087
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
- Using the built-in Numba-compiled function
- Using the built-in function but with Numba disabled → regular Python → slow!
- Register a NumPy version for the built-in Numba function
- Using the NumPy version
- Caching has been reimplemented from the ground up, and now it's being managed by a central registry. This allows for tracking useful statistics of all cacheable parts of VBT, such as to display the total cached size in MB. Full control and transparency
Get the cache statistics after computing the statistics of a random portfolio
>>> data = vbt.YFData.pull("BTC-USD")
>>> pf = vbt.PF.from_random_signals(data.close, n=5)
>>> _ = pf.stats()
>>> pf.get_ca_setup().get_status_overview(
... filter_func=lambda setup: setup.caching_enabled,
... include=["hits", "misses", "total_size"]
... )
hits misses total_size
portfolio:0.drawdowns 0 1 70.9 kB
portfolio:0.exit_trades 0 1 70.5 kB
portfolio:0.filled_close 6 1 24.3 kB
portfolio:0.init_cash 3 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.init_position 0 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.init_position_value 0 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.init_value 5 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.input_value 1 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.orders 9 1 69.7 kB
portfolio:0.total_profit 1 1 32 Bytes
portfolio:0.trades 0 1 70.5 kB
Hyperfast rolling metrics¶
- Rolling metrics based on returns were optimized for best performance - up to 1000x speedup!
Benchmark the rolling Sortino ratio
>>> import quantstats as qs
>>> index = vbt.date_range("2020", periods=100000, freq="1min")
>>> returns = pd.Series(np.random.normal(0, 0.001, size=len(index)), index=index)
>>> %timeit qs.stats.rolling_sortino(returns, rolling_period=10) # (1)!
2.79 s ± 24.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit returns.vbt.returns.rolling_sortino_ratio(window=10) # (2)!
8.12 ms ± 199 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
- Using QuantStats
- Using VectorBT PRO
And many more...¶
- Expect more killer features to be added on a weekly basis!